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Don’t interrupt me

已有 2775 次阅读2010-6-16 16:45

 ‘“I dare say you did, sir,” said Tom Smart. ‘“However,” said the old gentleman, “that’s not the point. Tom! I want you to marry the widow.” ‘“Me, sir!” said Tom. ‘“You,” said the old gentleman. ‘“Bless your reverend locks,” said Tom (he had a few scattered horse-hairs left)―“bless your reverend locks, she wouldn’t have me.” And Tom sighed involuntarily, gold4power as he thought of the bar. ‘“Wouldn’t she?” said the old gentleman firmly. ‘“No, no,” said Tom; “there’s somebody else in the wind. A tall man―a confoundedly tall man―with black whiskers.” ‘“Tom,” said the old gentleman; “she will never have him.” ‘“Won’t she?” said Tom. “If you stood in the bar, old gentleman, you’d tell another story.” ‘“Pooh, pooh,” said the old gentleman. “I know all about that. “ ‘“About what?” said Tom. ‘“The kissing behind the door, and all that sort of thing, Tom,” said the old gentleman. And here he gave another impudent look, which made Tom very wroth, because as you all know, gentlemen, to hear an old fellow, who ought to know better, talking about these things, is very unpleasant―nothing more so. ‘“I know all about that, Tom,” said the old gentleman. “I have seen it done very often in my time, Tom, between more people than I should like to mention to you; but it never came to anything after all.” ‘“You must have seen some queer things,” said Tom, with an inquisitive look. ‘“You may say that, Tom,” replied the old fellow, with a very complicated wink. “I am the last of my family, Tom,” said the old gentleman, cheap wow gold with a melancholy sigh. ‘“Was it a large one?” inquired Tom Smart. ‘“There were twelve of us, Tom,” said the old gentleman; “fine, straight-backed, handsome fellows as you’d wish to see. None of your modern abortions―all with arms, and with a degree of polish, though I say it that should not, which it would have done your heart good to behold.”

‘“And what’s become of the others, sir?” asked Tom Smart― The old gentleman applied his elbow to his eye as he replied, Gone, Tom, gone. We had hard service, Tom, buy aion kina and they hadn’t all my constitution. They got rheumatic about the legs and arms, and went into kitchens and other hospitals; and one of ’em, with long service and hard usage, positively lost his senses―he got so crazy that he was obliged to be burnt. Shocking thing that, Tom.” ‘“Dreadful!” said Tom Smart. The old fellow paused for a few minutes, apparently struggling with his feelings of emotion, and then said― ‘“However, Tom, I am wandering from the point. This tall man, Tom, is a rascally adventurer. The moment he married the widow, he would sell off all the furniture, and run away. What would be the consequence? She would be deserted and reduced to ruin, world of warcraft gold and I should catch my death of cold in some broker’s shop.” ‘“Yes, but―” ‘“Don’t interrupt me,” said the old gentleman. “Of you, Tom, I entertain a very different opinion; for I well know that if you once settled yourself in a public-house, you would never leave it, as long as there was anything to drink within its walls.” ‘“I am very much obliged to you for your good opinion, sir,” said Tom Smart. ‘“Therefore,” resumed the old gentleman, in a dictatorial tone, you shall have her, and he shall not.” ‘“What is to prevent it?” said Tom Smart eagerly. ‘“This disclosure,” replied the old gentleman; “he is already married.” ‘“How can I prove it?” said Tom, starting half out of bed. The old gentleman untucked his arm from his side, and having pointed to one of the oaken presses, immediately replaced it, in its old position.






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