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cannot account for the state of my own feelings

已有 707 次阅读2010-6-19 17:09

       -- On looking back, I find myself always referring to Sir Percival in disparaging terms. In the turn affairs have now taken, cheap aion gold l must and will root out my prejudice against him. I cannot think how it first got into my mind. It certainly never existed in former times.
       Is it Laura's reluctance to become his wife that has set me against him?
aion kina  Have Hartright's perfectly intelligible prejudices infected me without my suspecting their influence? Does that letter of Anne Catherick's still leave a lurking distrust in my mind, wow gold in spite of Sir Percival's explanation, and of the proof in my possession of the truth of it? I cannot account for the state of my own feelings; the one thing I am certain of is,  world of warcraft gold that it is my duty -- doubly my duty now -- not to wrong Sir Percival by unjustly distrusting him. If it has got to be a habit with me always to write of him in the same unfavourable manner, cheap wow gold  I must and will break myself of this unworthy tendency, even though the effort should force me to close the pages of my journal till the marriage is over! I am seriously dissatisfied with myself -- I will write no more today.






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